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How to sell more books

6 Ways to Sell More Books

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You’ve written a book, now it’s time to market it. In many ways, writing the book is the easy part. Getting the word out can be more difficult. Here are a few ways to gain exposure for your book and get the word of mouth going:

  • Utilize Goodreads: Goodreads is a social networking site for book lovers, where you can connect with potential readers and promote your book. You can create an author profile, participate in discussions, and run giveaways.
  • Use Bookbub: Bookbub brings authors and readers together. As one of their partnering authors, you create an author profile and list your books for free. You can also run affordable ads in their emails that go out to people who follow similar authors and genres.
  • Guest blog on relevant websites: Look for websites and blogs that focus on topics related to your book, and reach out to them to see if they would be interested in having you write a guest post. This will give you exposure to their audience and potentially new readers.
  • Join online book clubs: Find online book clubs that are focused on your genre or subject matter and join them. Participate in discussions and mention your book when appropriate.
  • Offer a free sample or excerpt: Offer a free sample or excerpt of your book to potential readers. This can be done through your website, social media, or other online channels. This will give readers a taste of your writing and can help convince them to buy your book. If your book is listed on Amazon, be sure to take advantage of the “Look Inside” option.
  • Attend events and book signings: Attend book-related events in your area and participate in book signings. This is a great way to connect with potential readers face-to-face and promote your book.

Be sure to give readers an incentive to give you their email address so that you can contact them about future books. One of my favorite ways to gather reader emails is by offering them a course that goes along with the subject of my book. For example, my “How to Find Peace in a Turbulent World” goes along with my “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” book, journal and card deck. I offer the course for free to anyone. Those who haven’t purchased the book, usually want to after they’ve taken the course. I promote course in my social media outreach, through article marketing and in the book itself.

Remember, marketing is an ongoing effort, so keep experimenting and trying new things until you find what works best for you. Best of luck to you on your book!

Featured Image Copyright: Susan Montgomery / Bigstockphoto.com