How Can Your Faith Create an Aligned Life of Purpose?
Every generation has faced its own challenges and uncertainties about the future. It’s a timeless concern, but how we navigate these uncertainties can make all the difference. The answer lies in our faith. Understanding Faith and Its Power In Hebrews 11:1, we are reminded: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence […]

Jennifer Youngblood on Handling Criticism: Real Talk from a Bestselling Author
As writers, we pour our hearts and souls into our work, making ourselves vulnerable to the world. But with that vulnerability comes the inevitable criticism. In this insightful segment of our interview with bestselling author Jennifer Youngblood, we explore how she handles criticism and stays resilient. Watch the Full Interview: Click below to watch Jennifer […]

How Personal Relationships Influence Writing: Insights from Jennifer Youngblood
In the journey of writing, many authors draw from personal experiences and relationships to shape their characters and stories. Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Youngblood. In this insightful segment, Jennifer shares how her personal relationship with her husband, Patrick, has influenced her writing, particularly her romance novels. Watch […]

13 Writing Prompts to Get Started on Your Own Novel
I’m thrilled to share an exciting interview with the incredibly talented author Julie Coulter Bellon. Julie has written over two dozen romantic suspense novels and has won multiple Rone Awards for her outstanding work. In this interview, Julie delves into her inspirations, her journey in writing, and provides a valuable writing prompt for aspiring writers. […]

Creating Communities: Give Away Books
As you desire to get out your inspired messages, you may find that you’re led to write books. But that should only be part of the process. In this video interview with best-selling author Leslie Householder, we discuss her discovery about how giving away her innovative book “The Jackrabbit Factor” lead to creating courses, podcasts, […]

Discover the Inspiration Behind Jennifer Youngblood’s 80 Romance Novels
Are you fascinated by the creative minds behind your favorite books? In this exclusive interview, bestselling author Jennifer Youngblood offers us a glimpse into what inspires her to write her incredible array of novels. With 80 published books to her name, Jennifer’s insights are truly invaluable for aspiring authors and avid readers alike. Watch the […]

Finding the Purpose in Writer’s Block: Behind the Scenes with Leslie Householder
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course. This segment: Writer’s Block! Could writer’s block actually serve a purpose? In this third segment of my interview with Leslie Householder, a best-selling, internationally published author, […]

Using the Power of Allegory with Leslie Householder: The Jackrabbit Factor
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course.This segment: The Power of Allegory We’re excited to share another segment from our interview with the incredible Leslie Householder. Leslie is a three-time best-selling, award-winning, and internationally […]

Unlocking Genius with Leslie Householder: The Inspiration Behind the Jackrabbit Factor
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course.This segment: Writer’s Block! We are thrilled to share an inspiring interview with Leslie Householder, a remarkable author and entrepreneur whose work has impacted countless lives. Leslie, a […]

Bridging Literary and Romance Genres: Insights from Jennifer Youngblood
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course.This segment: Bridging Literary and Romance Genres Many authors find that what they want to write and what people will buy are two different things. I know I […]

Julie Coulter Bellon on Writing Series and Crafting Strong Characters [Embedded Video]
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course.This segment: Writing a Series and Crafting Strong Characters One of the delights of my journey has been connecting with amazing authors and sharing their insights with you. […]

Julie Coulter Bellon Author Interview: Conveying Positive Messages Through Children’s Books
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course.This segment: Writing Impactful Children’s Books One of my favorite things to do is to locate educational and enlightening children’s books and gift them to our grandchildren for […]

Tips for Writing Compelling Romance: Insights from Jennifer Youngblood
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course. This segment: Writing Compelling Romance Have you decided you’d like to write romance? Are you looking for tips on what makes a compelling romance? USA Today Bestselling […]

How to Consider Marketability Before Writing Your Book: Expert Author Advice
Do you have a book in you? If you feel you might, that’s why I have this series of author interviews and why I created the Spirit-Led Authoring Course. This segment: Consider Marketability Before Writing Your Book I recently had the pleasure of interviewing USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Youngblood about her journey and how she […]

Maintain Momentum on Your Inspired Purpose
Do you feel called to do something, be something, or create something? Does life keep getting in the way? Here are some thoughts on doing that. Do you feel called to write a book, build a course, launch or expand a business, create a sustainable property, offer retreats, build a healing practice, start a nonprofit, […]

6 Ways to Sell More Books
You’ve written a book, now it’s time to market it. In many ways, writing the book is the easy part. Getting the word out can be more difficult. Here are a few ways to gain exposure for your book and get the word of mouth going: Be sure to give readers an incentive to give […]

3 Tips for Sustaining & Building Your Business In Uncertain Times
Three tips from Adam Urbanski for building your business in uncertain times. You can survive, even thrive in hard times. Here’s how.

Lost Writing Confidence? — My Writing Hack Part 1
Do you ever struggle with your writing confidence? I think all writers occasionally battle with a lack of confidence, fighting back the thoughts of “Oh, I’m not good enough,” or “Nobody will read what I wrote” or “I can’t do what I could before.” What causes that loss of confidence in writing, and how can […]

Gaining Writing Confidence — My Writing Hack Part 2
Writing confidence: As writers, we all struggle with losing our writing confidence, fighting back doubts. In my last article I discussed some of the causes we lose that confidence. In this piece, we’ll look at the ways we can it back. Regaining Your Writing Confidence Hopefully you’ve done some mind work, based on my previous […]

Experiential Writing Takes Time (and That’s OK!)
I’ve invented a new phrase: Experiential Writing. At least, it’s new to me. (Maybe it should be Experiencial Writing: Writing based on experience.) This discovery helps me understand and explain the dilemma some writers — including me — have in trying to produce vast amounts of words in a short amount of time. During the […]

Faith-based Writing – How To
I wrote a blog post earlier about overcoming writing fear. It was a business-type analysis of why I was afraid of writing and how I overcame that fear. As I’ve been thinking about that article, I realized there was a major section of it — really, a huge part of the solution — that I […]

Fix Your Writing Fear — A Writing Hack
This morning, I woke up with a severe case of writing fear. I was, simply, afraid to write. This is hysterical (to me, or least ironic). Me, of all people! I write thousands of words a day, and have for decades. Writing — especially creative writing — is something I do quickly, easily, naturally. If […]

Get Off the Rat Wheel and Find the Diamonds in Your Back Yard
Get off the rat wheel, slow down and look for the diamonds in your own back yard. If you tend to be a workaholic, this article is for you. Those of us with a strong work ethic often believe that if we just work harder and longer hours we’ll solve our money problems. In my […]

Why You Can Increase Your Social Media Following
Do you want to increase your social media following? Do you think you have something interesting to say, an opinion that matters? Or are you one of millions who think your thoughts are not original? You don’t think anyone will pay attention to you? Self-doubt is not a new phenomenon. An early caveman probably looked […]