Ignite Your Light, Your Mission, Your Message by Aligning with the Divine and Discovering, Creating and Delivering Your Inspired Ideas

Align with the Divine – Cohort 2

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $247.00.

This 10-week program will be held each Tuesday starting May 21, 2024, at 1:00 pm ET / noon CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT. Virtual lessons inside the member area plus 10 weekly in-person instructor-led Zoom discussion sessions (limited to 20 people).

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Course: Align with the Divine


“God Uniquely Speaks to You!
Discover & Embrace Your Gifts to Hear and Act”

This 10-week program will be held each Tuesday starting May 21, 2024
at 1:00 pm ET / noon CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT

This is a combination of a series of virtual lessons that you will watch within your member area as online training and 10 in-person instructor-led discussion sessions to help you apply the material to your life. Delivered through group Zoom sessions (limited to 20 people).

If you’re an iNtuitive on the Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities, you have rare and powerful spiritual gifts!

  • You have the ability to sense things other people do not.
  • You have a unique connection to the spiritual realm.
  • I often say you are “hardwired” to hear the voice of God.
  • You intuitively know what to say or do to bring understanding, healing, hope and solutions to those around you.
  • In ancient times you would have been one of the sages, the wise ones, the shaman, the tribe’s spiritual leader.

iNtuitives are a minority in the world, according to the Myers Briggs theory (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ). Only about 25% of the planet has this preference for intuition over sensing. The rest of the world needs our unique giftings now more than ever!

When you align with Christ and discover and learn to work with your spiritual and creative gifts and with your creative cycle, you’ll naturally flow into your fulfilling, purposeful, and joyful life.

God speaks to each soul in His own way and in His own time. Never has there been a more important time to be able to hear God’s voice and act accordingly than our day. There is so much confusion in the world, so many conflicting opinions, so much contention! We need the Spirit of God to cut through the noise and reveal what is true and what is the best path for each of us on a day-to-day basis.

Most likely, you have felt God nudging you in a direction…telling you that you are here for a reason with something significant to do or be. This is because you are uniquely created to make an impact for good in a way that only you can.

When God originates something in you, He also orchestrates it. The world doesn’t have your answers. God does! Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and as you align with Him, the more you’ll hear His voice. And the more you hear Him and act upon what He reveals to you, the more joy and satisfaction you will experience. AND, you will come to love yourself for who you are and see the beauty in the way God created you! There is nothing more attractive than a spirit-filled person who knows why she’s here and who walks confidently in God’s grace for her life!

That’s why I’ve created my 

Christ-centered, “Align with the Divine Program”
Especially for iNtuitives!

  • Start feeling guided on a daily basis.
  • Move from confusion and fear to clarity and confidence.
  • Develop your own way of hearing God so you’re clearer on your next best steps.
  • Live in a graceful flow state with more joy and peace of mind, knowing you are being and doing what God created you to be and do.
  • Enjoy a greater sense of belonging in a group of supportive friends who believe in you and encourage you on your path!

In my Align with the Divine group program, you’ll learn more about your natural giftings and how you hear from and connect with the divine within and the Divine above. Plus, you’ll connect with other Spirit-led individuals who understand you and support you on your journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a community of like-minded individuals!

During this 10-week program of weekly Zoom sessions, we will work through the 10 Steps to Aligning with the Divine:

Step 1: Sync Your Creativity with Your Creator. Create a spiritual practice that helps you connect daily with the Divine. Opening conversation channels with God and aligning with the Spirit of God and the Mind of Christ.

Step 2: Identify how God speaks to you – the process and patterns of personal revelation. Do you just “know?” Do you have a gut yes/no feeling? Does your heart tell you if something is spot on. We’ll explore the way God speaks to you and fine tune it so it can be a clear guidance system for you as you go forward.

Step 3: Hear God’s Messages for You in His Creations. God is speaking to you in more ways than you could possibly imagine. This lesson will focus on learning to see the clues and ways God speaks to you by being observant of what’s showing up in your life.

Step 4: Release Limitations and Replace Them with Success Patterns. We’ll look at family patterns and personal experiences that could be sabotaging your success. Release limiting beliefs that are in the way of succeeding at what you feel called to do. Replace limiting beliefs with new positive beliefs about yourself and what is possible for you.

Step 5: Embrace Your Style. Stop resisting how God created you and work with your unique creative genius and personality style. Learn how to harness and work with your personality to succeed at your inspired path.

Step 6: Understand Your Creative Cycle. So much energy gets misappropriated to guilt, shame, or berating ourselves when we can’t seem to focus. When you feel called to do something, but you flit from one thing to the next (unable to stay on task to completion) you may start to feel like there is something wrong with you. There isn’t anything wrong with you, you just need to understand the patterns and cycles of creativity.

Step 7: Work with Your Moods and Creative Cycle to Get More Done without Working Yourself to Death. You’ll naturally start to make self-care a consistent and welcomed part of your life. You simply need to learn a few techniques to manage the watershed of creativity within you so that it doesn’t flood out in an uncontrollable way but flows powerfully like a river to its destination. You’ll learn how to organize your goals and to-do lists in a way that harmonizes with your moods and works with the natural momentum of those moods.

Step 8: Bring Everything You Are and Know Together. Nothing Is wasted! We will take an in-depth inventory of your skills, life experiences, and wisdom to see how everything you have been through and learned to this point is weaving together into a grand plan. Even the choices you think were “off-path” will be used in some way going forward.

Step 9: Discover Your Pivot Point. Your pivot point is broader than a niche. It’s a theme around which everything you create and do revolves. It’s a core value, a core message. When you have it, you can tie everything together cohesively and you won’t feel so scattered. It’s been rare for me not to be able to help someone find the common thread even among disparate interests. Life has a way of weaving this theme throughout everything you do, even if you don’t know that you’re doing it. When you discover and articulate it, the clarity that comes is priceless.

Step 10: Craft Your Gameplan – You’re aligned and have your core foundation in place. Now, where do you go from here? While you may not know how to do every piece of it right now, we can still map out the overarching steps so you know what to look for, learn, or do next. With your foundation and framework in place, you’ll be able to go forward with a way to recognize the parts, people, and pieces that are part of your plan and which aren’t.


It is recommended that you be an iNtuitive on your Myers-Briggs Personality results (or have an iNtuitive score of at least 40% or higher). If you do not know if you are an iNtuitive, please go to 16Personalities.com and take the Myers-Briggs assessment for free.

Take the 16Personalities Assessment for Free

[Please note: This lesson and overall course is directed at iNtuitives on the Myers-Briggs® Personality Assessment (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTP, ENTP, INTJ, ENTJ). You can take the course if you are not an iNtuitive, but you may not relate to certain sections of the material that are personality specific. Those who take this course who are not iNtuitives, but have a high score on their iNtuitive tendencies, will most likely enjoy the personality sections of the course and find them relevant.]

This 10-week program will be held each Tuesday starting May 21, 2024
at 1:00 pm ET / noon CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT

Ready to Unleash Your Creativity?


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